Hi Blog,
Feeling slightly guilty as FMP has been on hold for 3 days due to a very important interview tomorrow morning - having got through to the second stage of my Miss Selfridge interview for a BAA position - EEEK!
I'm nervous and very very excited, how I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to work for Miss Selfridge.
But I promise as from tomorrow afternoon I'll be back to my panic self, on track aiming to finish over the weekend - I've got lots of faffing to do, writing up bits and bobs, and I've worked out how many hours until the deadline and it's quite a lot even if I do go a few days without sleep - I will have my sourcing strategy completed by tomorrow afternoon,
Adious - wish me good luck.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Friday, 27 May 2011
Super long list.
Decided not to go into college today - Don't have any lectures and think I'll work better at home, insted of being asked a million questions that I probably don't even know the answer too.
I've given myself a mahousive list to complete by the end of the day - whether it be early hours of tomorrow morning, nothing like Red Bull and Pro plus can't handle.
I also started looking at influential trends for AW11 to prepare for my second stage interview on Wednesday at Miss Selfridge - Really really really hope I get it.
Look at this amazing image -
Attention to detail or what!?
I've given myself a mahousive list to complete by the end of the day - whether it be early hours of tomorrow morning, nothing like Red Bull and Pro plus can't handle.
- Put merch spreadsheets on to photoshop ready to annotate
- Finish price architecture for all 3 ranges
- Complete Option sheets - most of it is copying and pasting
- Put Range planners on to photoshop
- Start garment tech - I've done my costing of the garment
- Finish critical path
- Start sourcing strategy
I also started looking at influential trends for AW11 to prepare for my second stage interview on Wednesday at Miss Selfridge - Really really really hope I get it.
Look at this amazing image -
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Spreadsheets - CHECK
So I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel - If we still use that phrase.
I've completed all of my spreadsheets - except one - critical path, I just need to finish 10 garments, wasn't sure If all of my products from China would have the same dates, and I've had to add a few extra weeks here and there because my garments are Eco, it's kind of made things difficult.
But heyho, I'm not going to upload any pictures of spreadsheets, because I know how boring that is.
I'm going to start my garment tech now, decided to do a buyer's pack - already worked out my costing for the garment I'm going to use, just need to put the pack together.
I've completed all of my spreadsheets - except one - critical path, I just need to finish 10 garments, wasn't sure If all of my products from China would have the same dates, and I've had to add a few extra weeks here and there because my garments are Eco, it's kind of made things difficult.
But heyho, I'm not going to upload any pictures of spreadsheets, because I know how boring that is.
I'm going to start my garment tech now, decided to do a buyer's pack - already worked out my costing for the garment I'm going to use, just need to put the pack together.
Finito - Final range.
Finally - I've finished my final range, only consists of 19 options, so it's the smallest of them all.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Getting on top of merch.
Only spent the whole day completing my merchandising spreadsheets - NO BIGGIE.
All I need to do to them now is annotate them and bang, one subject down.
Good News - I've got through the 1st interview at Miss Selfridge - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fingers crossed, next step is to present an interview - Oh I'm so excited.
Plan for tonight - After work -
All I need to do to them now is annotate them and bang, one subject down.
Good News - I've got through the 1st interview at Miss Selfridge - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fingers crossed, next step is to present an interview - Oh I'm so excited.
Plan for tonight - After work -
- Complete Out of Africa range plan and upload for you all to see
- Complete range planner showing my cost prices and margins for this final trend.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Modern Luxury -
Modern Luxury Range Plan -
I would ask for your comments, but I somehow accidentally deleted the comments button.
Just finishing off my costings for this range so that I can finish my option sheet - Motivated me tonight.
Just have to finish my final range so that I can do my costings tomorrow - I'm also going to complete my critical path tomorrow.
I wrote out a list earlier to look at the layout of my final work - I have A LOT of work to do.
I would ask for your comments, but I somehow accidentally deleted the comments button.
Just finishing off my costings for this range so that I can finish my option sheet - Motivated me tonight.
Just have to finish my final range so that I can do my costings tomorrow - I'm also going to complete my critical path tomorrow.
I wrote out a list earlier to look at the layout of my final work - I have A LOT of work to do.
Love a country life -
As you can see below, One completed range - I'm just finishing off the other two by adding the COO's and prices, then shaBANG - that's one thing to tick off the list - I'm not going to sleep until I've finished the other two, so if I look like I've been slapped in the face by a BIG cheese sandwich tomorrow - APOLOGIES if you have to see me.
I will upload my other two ranges before I fall asleep tonight.
Oh and I've completed my Range Planner and option sheet for this trend - And if you are marking my work, I've checked with Rachael to make sure they're all right, so TRUST ME.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Lists, lists and more LISTS
Bet way to start a post, straight in with a list, why not? I'm only human.
Feel like I've got so much to do - and everything takes so long. I've spent nearly a week on three ranges, no a good look at all. I'm just writing my prices on my Country range, and then I need to complete my Out of Africa range, always panic I'm not going to finish all of my work - I'd be suicidal I know it.
Seeing the BIG man himself tomorrow -
Feel like I've got so much to do - and everything takes so long. I've spent nearly a week on three ranges, no a good look at all. I'm just writing my prices on my Country range, and then I need to complete my Out of Africa range, always panic I'm not going to finish all of my work - I'd be suicidal I know it.
Seeing the BIG man himself tomorrow -
Maybe he can freeze time for me -
Anyway, back to my list;
- Range Plans
- Pricing Triangles
- Range planner x 3
- Sourcing Strategy
- Garment Technology
All by Friday - GOOD LUCK ME.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Panic mode.
The title explains it all, feel like i'm not panicing enough - and looking at the work I've done - it's not a lot. I still haven't finished my range plans!! I MUST do that before merch on monday morning, and then I need to start all the other little bits, I'm going to write down ANOTHER list tonight, so I kind of know what needs to be done before Saturday, I wish I could show you some pictures, but i'm afraid at the moment there isn't any.
Still love ya.
Oh wait, STOP - I brough a canvas bag today ;) part of my promotion, I'm going to print on it.
(Tell me i'm good)
Still love ya.
Oh wait, STOP - I brough a canvas bag today ;) part of my promotion, I'm going to print on it.
(Tell me i'm good)
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Sourcing answers - (Blogging when in my tutorial)
Lead times include shipping.
Namad and Margins - one decimal place, remember.
Turkey truck - 7 days.
Environmental issues - more indepth.
Narror supply base - limited sources that offer eco products, easier to insure products are eco, existing relationships.
2 - 3 extra for lead times - explain why? fabric might take longer, fitting etc? extra week to make it, to work shorter hours.
I need to make my ranges smaller!!!
Factor of about 3 and 3.5
left slightly confused. :(
Namad and Margins - one decimal place, remember.
Turkey truck - 7 days.
Environmental issues - more indepth.
Narror supply base - limited sources that offer eco products, easier to insure products are eco, existing relationships.
2 - 3 extra for lead times - explain why? fabric might take longer, fitting etc? extra week to make it, to work shorter hours.
I need to make my ranges smaller!!!
Factor of about 3 and 3.5
left slightly confused. :(
Sourcing questions??
Trying to think of questions to ask Rachael, but as always my mind goes blank when I actually need to use it.
I know that my PESTEl has to be amazing, and I have to increased my lead times - oh and my margins will be a lot lower.
What else can I ask her?
I know that my PESTEl has to be amazing, and I have to increased my lead times - oh and my margins will be a lot lower.
What else can I ask her?
- Pestel - how will it be different if it's eco?
- types of influences?
- how much extra lead times?
- what are the lead times from china, india and turkey?
- any relevant websites I can use?
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Short and sweet.
I've nearly finished my modern luxury mood board - being Marks I had to think about core and fashionable product, as the range will consist of more core products, so I've got a deep range rather than a wide - which Is something I haven't done before. but if that's what the customer wants? that's what the customer gets.
Plan .... to finish this range tomorrow morning, as soon as I get back from my MISS SELFRIDGE interview - Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Also, I'm going to get kicked started on sourcing, as I know why I'm doing just need to insure PESTEL is amazing, in fact better than amazing, ............... can't think of a word better.
I know how to back up reasons for having a narrow supply base etc, Eco fashion is so limited and needs to be controlled by Marks, because if it isn't then obviously won't be Eco - simple.
Kind of vague - but I'll update tomorrow, and share exciting photos.
I've nearly finished my modern luxury mood board - being Marks I had to think about core and fashionable product, as the range will consist of more core products, so I've got a deep range rather than a wide - which Is something I haven't done before. but if that's what the customer wants? that's what the customer gets.
Plan .... to finish this range tomorrow morning, as soon as I get back from my MISS SELFRIDGE interview - Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Also, I'm going to get kicked started on sourcing, as I know why I'm doing just need to insure PESTEL is amazing, in fact better than amazing, ............... can't think of a word better.
I know how to back up reasons for having a narrow supply base etc, Eco fashion is so limited and needs to be controlled by Marks, because if it isn't then obviously won't be Eco - simple.
Kind of vague - but I'll update tomorrow, and share exciting photos.
Monday, 16 May 2011
Customer profile -
OK, so I've made an overall customer profile showing the age range and the types of lifestyles the customer may have, including income, shopping habbits and likes and interests. Age range being between 50 - 65
I have also created 3 personal customer profiles, includuing photos of the 'Her' and looked more into the way 'she' shops, where she buys her current clothes from? How much would she spend on clothes? How important eco - fashion is? I took three different ages to make the profiles more varied, 50 year old, 56 year old and 65 year old.
My plan now is to create mood boards on each of these profiles to use as back grounds - As I want my work to be really visual.
I have also created 3 personal customer profiles, includuing photos of the 'Her' and looked more into the way 'she' shops, where she buys her current clothes from? How much would she spend on clothes? How important eco - fashion is? I took three different ages to make the profiles more varied, 50 year old, 56 year old and 65 year old.
My plan now is to create mood boards on each of these profiles to use as back grounds - As I want my work to be really visual.
Modern Luxury
Here is my final trend mood board -
It's minimal I know, but represents the trend at it's best.
I feel a slight more motivated now - I know what I need, IPOD and CHOCOLATE BISCUITS.
It's minimal I know, but represents the trend at it's best.
I feel a slight more motivated now - I know what I need, IPOD and CHOCOLATE BISCUITS.
Monday blues
Not going to lie or anything - Finding today extremely hard, even managed to shed some tears - what an emotional wreck. I let FMP do this to me last year, why have I gone and done it again.
If only I new what motivated me - I know it's success, and I know if I don't complete my FMP - and get a job then I won't find success - but it's just not working today, I worry about EVERYTHING and listening to everybody and college saying, 'Have you done this' 'I've done this' does not help one bit.
On the plus side, i've got an interview for Miss Selfridge on Thursday - fingers crossed, I think that's something that worries me a lot, if only I new I had a secure job at the end of my course, I think life would be so much easier.
My lists just keep getting longer and longer, and I start things but never finished them. Started my SWOT - not finished - started my Customer profile - that's not finished. I really hope it all comes together, and I really wish I was a little at ease over the whole thing, I mean i've done quite a bit compared to some people and I'm still worrying.
Panic Parsons - that's me.
If only I new what motivated me - I know it's success, and I know if I don't complete my FMP - and get a job then I won't find success - but it's just not working today, I worry about EVERYTHING and listening to everybody and college saying, 'Have you done this' 'I've done this' does not help one bit.
On the plus side, i've got an interview for Miss Selfridge on Thursday - fingers crossed, I think that's something that worries me a lot, if only I new I had a secure job at the end of my course, I think life would be so much easier.
My lists just keep getting longer and longer, and I start things but never finished them. Started my SWOT - not finished - started my Customer profile - that's not finished. I really hope it all comes together, and I really wish I was a little at ease over the whole thing, I mean i've done quite a bit compared to some people and I'm still worrying.
Panic Parsons - that's me.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Sunday brainwave
Been thinking about ways to present my work - probably the last thing I should be thinking of. I'm going to make it as visual as possible - so the whole project will be filled with millions of mood boards - It's how I work best.
Two completed mood boards -
I just need to finish off the Modern Luxury mood board, then I can move on to catwalk inspiration pages and trend analysis pages - ALWAYS, ALWAYS leave the writing until the very end, not my favorite bit.
Two completed mood boards -
I just need to finish off the Modern Luxury mood board, then I can move on to catwalk inspiration pages and trend analysis pages - ALWAYS, ALWAYS leave the writing until the very end, not my favorite bit.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Range building -
Looking at key silhouettes as I'm putting together my ranges, these items below will be huge in SS12, and look great on the high street;
Inspirational catwalk images
Designers are a huge influence on the high street, which is why I spent ages looking at SS11 trends and SS12 forecasts - some of my favorite;
Checklist -
Thinking BIG, so I've got a very big checklist - but if all goes well, and I stay in I shall complete it all, as followed;
- Mood boards x3
Mission statement- Brand values
- Customer profile
- SWOT x2
Templates- Trend Analysis
- Start range plans
- 2 merch spread sheets
Loving the 50s and chloe.
LOVE this catwalk image, really really inspiring and just shows how a design from the catwalk can be transformed onto the high street with the templates below.
I think for my garment tech, I'm going to use this dress (Which will be in one of the three trends) to create a 'buyer's pack'.
I think for my garment tech, I'm going to use this dress (Which will be in one of the three trends) to create a 'buyer's pack'.
Friday, 13 May 2011
Mood board mania -
Take a look, this is my African trend mood board - completed it today, and plan to finish the other two mood boards tomorrow - then onto the trend analysis pages. Love doing these pages - really really creative. Take a look, (Of course when I print my final copy, I'll use the best of the best paper - and no doubt go all out and get every page laminated!
Again, I've taken a photo of the image - I'm not at college, and forgot to save it on my USB - typical.
But as you can see, there is a huge colour palette, and all the colours fit together really well, with three famous prints - zebra, giraffe and leopard. These prints work really well with colour and represent a huge trend. Women will Love it.
p.s I promise to upload my other two mood boards as soon as there done.
6pm finish -
Hardcore, Hardcore, Hardcore Me.
I wish to do super, super well with this last FMP - as it'll be the last piece of work I ever do. So I'm trying really really hard - which means college 9 -5 everyday, hasn't helped I've had tonsillitis this week either. It's killlllllllllllllling me.
Feel like I'm on track - I've set myself an amount of work which I want completed by the end of weeks, because I know only have 4 weeks until hand - in. Which will come round oh so fast.
My research is up on the go - ready to hand in, well nearly - can't believe how long it's taking me to cut and stick - plan to get the mum and sister on the go with the scissors while Britain's got talent is on Saturday night.
I'm not gonna lie and say I'm really fast, because I'm not - and as everybody will tell you - I'm a perfectionist. Spend hours deciding on font, colour, size, layout and all the little bits which I doubt nobody will even take notice of.
I was thinking about logo for ages, and Debbie told me to keep it SIMPLE, and reflect the existing sub - brands logo - which in my opinion are pretty dull. But, they are so easy to read and remember - I knew I wanted the logo to have some colour in it, and I new that colour had to be green - as the range is all about Eco product - so bamb, that bit was easy. Tried a million one times to get it write, even turnt the world upside down to see what that looked like, Tony was slightly confused when I showed him that one - and replied, the brand isn't called reflection Amy. Thanks.
But below is my logo - Represents Eco - simple - clear - and remember able.
I've created a template to use throughout the whole of my project - the logo will be on every page accept my mood boards. Small in the corner, and faded mood boards in the background - Only spent a few hours on it, not long. You know me.
I wish to do super, super well with this last FMP - as it'll be the last piece of work I ever do. So I'm trying really really hard - which means college 9 -5 everyday, hasn't helped I've had tonsillitis this week either. It's killlllllllllllllling me.
Feel like I'm on track - I've set myself an amount of work which I want completed by the end of weeks, because I know only have 4 weeks until hand - in. Which will come round oh so fast.
My research is up on the go - ready to hand in, well nearly - can't believe how long it's taking me to cut and stick - plan to get the mum and sister on the go with the scissors while Britain's got talent is on Saturday night.
I'm not gonna lie and say I'm really fast, because I'm not - and as everybody will tell you - I'm a perfectionist. Spend hours deciding on font, colour, size, layout and all the little bits which I doubt nobody will even take notice of.
I was thinking about logo for ages, and Debbie told me to keep it SIMPLE, and reflect the existing sub - brands logo - which in my opinion are pretty dull. But, they are so easy to read and remember - I knew I wanted the logo to have some colour in it, and I new that colour had to be green - as the range is all about Eco product - so bamb, that bit was easy. Tried a million one times to get it write, even turnt the world upside down to see what that looked like, Tony was slightly confused when I showed him that one - and replied, the brand isn't called reflection Amy. Thanks.
But below is my logo - Represents Eco - simple - clear - and remember able.
I've created a template to use throughout the whole of my project - the logo will be on every page accept my mood boards. Small in the corner, and faded mood boards in the background - Only spent a few hours on it, not long. You know me.
Expert advice
Tuesday -
Being on placement at Marks and Spencer's is one hell of an advantage - and just as Debbie said, 'take advantage of that!' - which is what I have done.
Managed to speak to lots and lots of people on Tuesday and asked lots and LOTS of questions.
Obviously I asked the merchandising team - and from this I came to a conclusion, The brand will launch around March time, as this is when the sales pick up in Marks, January and February are dead months, and the brand will launch in 21 top stores, including the Internet as that counts as one. The brand will consist on three capsule collections - as this will make a bigger impact to the customer, as the collections will consist of key, fashionable product, - the customer will then be able to stop basic product from the t-shirt range which is already existent within all stores.
Ideas as followed, an Eco - friendly canvas bag free with all purchases.
Display of the web page.
Members of the womenswear department LOVED my idea, and felt the age range I am targeting at is spot on, they also mentioned that it was the age range of the 'Portfolio' customer, which has recently been taken out of Marks - this brand didn't work because it different give a clear message, the product was wearing work wear and customers 50+ still want to buy fashionable product.
Being on placement at Marks and Spencer's is one hell of an advantage - and just as Debbie said, 'take advantage of that!' - which is what I have done.
Managed to speak to lots and lots of people on Tuesday and asked lots and LOTS of questions.
- How much space would a new sub - brand be given?
- How many stores would a new sun - brand go to?
- What stores? How many top stores are there?
- When would they launch the brand?
- How effective would the launch be?
Obviously I asked the merchandising team - and from this I came to a conclusion, The brand will launch around March time, as this is when the sales pick up in Marks, January and February are dead months, and the brand will launch in 21 top stores, including the Internet as that counts as one. The brand will consist on three capsule collections - as this will make a bigger impact to the customer, as the collections will consist of key, fashionable product, - the customer will then be able to stop basic product from the t-shirt range which is already existent within all stores.
Ideas as followed, an Eco - friendly canvas bag free with all purchases.
Display of the web page.
Members of the womenswear department LOVED my idea, and felt the age range I am targeting at is spot on, they also mentioned that it was the age range of the 'Portfolio' customer, which has recently been taken out of Marks - this brand didn't work because it different give a clear message, the product was wearing work wear and customers 50+ still want to buy fashionable product.
Monday, 9 May 2011
Merch madness -
1st merchandising lesson back, overwhelming to say the least. Felt like everything was put in perspective towards the end of it though, after all there is only 7 spreadsheets to do.
I've started my mood boards, Can't wait to show you those, give me a few days and kerching - I'll upload them.
What else did I manage to do today? Oh yeah, photocopied loads and loads of articles from market research books and verdict - one very, very interesting online site, good job I never had to pay for the articles really, some of them were like £10,000 and putting that kind of article in my basket felt kind of wrong.
I've got work placement for the day tomorrow - so I've wrote in my diary loads of questions that I can ask them;
Can I use there printer when it comes to printing? who'd of though they used such good quality paper.
I've had loads of logo ideas, just a case of picking which one I prefer - the brand is called 'Aware' as it means knowledgeable, it shows how the customer is aware that the products are Eco - friendly.
What'd you think?
- Space and sales plan
- Unit plan
- Option plan
- Delivery schedule
- Range plan
- Critical path
I've started my mood boards, Can't wait to show you those, give me a few days and kerching - I'll upload them.
What else did I manage to do today? Oh yeah, photocopied loads and loads of articles from market research books and verdict - one very, very interesting online site, good job I never had to pay for the articles really, some of them were like £10,000 and putting that kind of article in my basket felt kind of wrong.
I've got work placement for the day tomorrow - so I've wrote in my diary loads of questions that I can ask them;
- How many top stores do they have?
- How much space would a brand be given?
- Would they trial the brand in top stores - or would it go all stores?
Can I use there printer when it comes to printing? who'd of though they used such good quality paper.
I've had loads of logo ideas, just a case of picking which one I prefer - the brand is called 'Aware' as it means knowledgeable, it shows how the customer is aware that the products are Eco - friendly.
What'd you think?
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Fashion snoops
Had a chance to look at spring/summer trends for SS12 on www.fashionsnoops.com I was looking for extremely fashion trends that would be commercial, classic and provide quality for the older customer, giving me the chance to mix with colours and prints yet keeping really nice sophisticated silhouettes.
Modern Luxury - One of the strongest expressions of the season, Reflects the continuing trend for minimal sportswear, Stella, Chloe and Akris displayed this trend really well - Wide leg pants, trench coats, white buttoned down shirts, Classic shapes.
70s Sportswear - Marc Jacobs influenced, long skirts, trousers, shirts, stripes, jumpsuits (trousers) Printed, blazers, dots, long sleeve maxi dresses and jackets.
Out of Africa - African prints, trousers, jumpsuits, shirts, skinny print trousers, long dresses, knee length dresses, white, beige, prints, yellows and blacks.
Other SS12 fashion trends -
Modern Luxury - One of the strongest expressions of the season, Reflects the continuing trend for minimal sportswear, Stella, Chloe and Akris displayed this trend really well - Wide leg pants, trench coats, white buttoned down shirts, Classic shapes.
70s Sportswear - Marc Jacobs influenced, long skirts, trousers, shirts, stripes, jumpsuits (trousers) Printed, blazers, dots, long sleeve maxi dresses and jackets.
Out of Africa - African prints, trousers, jumpsuits, shirts, skinny print trousers, long dresses, knee length dresses, white, beige, prints, yellows and blacks.
Other SS12 fashion trends -
- Ladylike 50s
- Hope chest - bridal troussean, etheral, picnic
- Boho
- Techno tribal
- Tropical safari
Comp shop galore -
Yesterday -
After an extremley nerve racking morning - SOI Presentation, I was overwhelemed by the comments and how much faith they had in my FMP idea. In a weird way, it kind of gave me that extra convidence and boost that I needed to believe that my idea is commerical enough and to actually work.
And.... then put me in panic mode when I realised I know only have about four weeks untill hand - in.
'Whatever you do Amy, don't go into Parsons Panic mode' Justin Smith, too late i'm afraid.
Just want to nail this on the head now.
Took a trip down to Oxford street -
My Aim - To attract that older more fashionable lady, that already exists as a customer in Marks, but dones't usualy find what she's looking for in the clothing department, but might do her weekly food shop in marks , buy accessories or even underwear.
Retailers like -
Images showing the different existing sub - brands within Marks and Spencers -
After an extremley nerve racking morning - SOI Presentation, I was overwhelemed by the comments and how much faith they had in my FMP idea. In a weird way, it kind of gave me that extra convidence and boost that I needed to believe that my idea is commerical enough and to actually work.
And.... then put me in panic mode when I realised I know only have about four weeks untill hand - in.
'Whatever you do Amy, don't go into Parsons Panic mode' Justin Smith, too late i'm afraid.
Just want to nail this on the head now.
Took a trip down to Oxford street -
- Street style and influences
- Competitors on the high street
- Photos and SWOTs of different retailers.
My Aim - To attract that older more fashionable lady, that already exists as a customer in Marks, but dones't usualy find what she's looking for in the clothing department, but might do her weekly food shop in marks , buy accessories or even underwear.
Retailers like -
- L.K Bennett
- Vaella
- Jeager
- East
- Phase 8
- Kew
- Jigzaw
- Reiss
Images showing the different existing sub - brands within Marks and Spencers -
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Such a small word - with so much meaning.
http://www.fashionsnoops.com/ and http://www.wgsn.com/ (Two of my most favorite websites in the world, besidesfacebook, which I will not be using during FMP)
My aim - to understand the customer better, and meet their needs more effectively and to clearly identify the gap in the market, gather information about new trends and products - and most of all
Shape the future strategy
OK, so they're not all of my own words - Jane Rome knows best when it comes to research.
Market and consumer data - Social trends - Performance data
I've actually done loads of Research it's just in one big pile in my bedroom -
I made sure I looked at the;
I tell you what, I'll upload some of my comp shops I've conducted, just to give you an idea - one of the main things I made sure I looked at was all of the different sub brands in Marks - and how the positioning of them could affect the new sub - brand. I was quite lucky, whilst at Marks head office I made sure I slipped in a few questions with the directors - and got the all clear from them personally. I wanted to make sure the new sub - brand had something even more exciting to offer. The older customer needs extremely fashion trends - they want to feel AMAZING.
I used some of Janes methods and made sure I used all types of research,
Active and desk research - I conducted a survey for the Marks and Spencers customer to feel out, and I made sure I spent hours on end finding vital information on the iInternet to support all of my actions planned.
I just worry aboutTIME for me the biggest dislike able word in the world. Time flies so fast, there isn't enough time in the day - BOOOOOOOO. I want 35 + hours in the day.
I don't want to bore you any longer, but as you can see below my life consists on doodles, LOTS and LOTS of them.
Oh, and one more thing - The bible. This below is the bible, free from Marks and Spencers themselves - Thank you very much.
http://www.fashionsnoops.com/ and http://www.wgsn.com/ (Two of my most favorite websites in the world, besides
My aim - to understand the customer better, and meet their needs more effectively and to clearly identify the gap in the market, gather information about new trends and products - and most of all
Shape the future strategy
OK, so they're not all of my own words - Jane Rome knows best when it comes to research.
Market and consumer data - Social trends - Performance data
I've actually done loads of Research it's just in one big pile in my bedroom -
I made sure I looked at the;
- Where the gap in the market is
- Social trends - new products
- Competition on the high street
- Brand opportunities
- Newspapers, magazine and Internet articles
- Company figures
- Key fabrics and colours for SS12
- Trend websites - fashion icons
- Dispensable income information
I tell you what, I'll upload some of my comp shops I've conducted, just to give you an idea - one of the main things I made sure I looked at was all of the different sub brands in Marks - and how the positioning of them could affect the new sub - brand. I was quite lucky, whilst at Marks head office I made sure I slipped in a few questions with the directors - and got the all clear from them personally. I wanted to make sure the new sub - brand had something even more exciting to offer. The older customer needs extremely fashion trends - they want to feel AMAZING.
I used some of Janes methods and made sure I used all types of research,
Active and desk research - I conducted a survey for the Marks and Spencers customer to feel out, and I made sure I spent hours on end finding vital information on the iInternet to support all of my actions planned.
I just worry about
I don't want to bore you any longer, but as you can see below my life consists on doodles, LOTS and LOTS of them.
Oh, and one more thing - The bible. This below is the bible, free from Marks and Spencers themselves - Thank you very much.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK. SOI presentation tomorrow - fingers crossed. Let you know how it all goes, really hope they love my concept.
Karren Brady
A women with an extremly successful career, Someone with such drive and determination, I want to be just like her one day,
'For every successful man, there's a shocked mother in law' - Karren Brady
That's the women herself,
Can't wait to see her on Tuesday night on the apprentice - LOVE LOVE LOVE Sir Alan Sugar.
A women with an extremly successful career, Someone with such drive and determination, I want to be just like her one day,
'For every successful man, there's a shocked mother in law' - Karren Brady
That's the women herself,
Can't wait to see her on Tuesday night on the apprentice - LOVE LOVE LOVE Sir Alan Sugar.
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Magazine madness
I've just uploaded some cover magazine that I read through ages ago.

On something like the 18th April, I managed to spend £102.98 on magazines at Marks , (Obvs wasn't my money, and yes they let me sit there and tear out exciting street styles and aspirational images that I've stuck into my research file!!) Prada had some amazing colour block images - huge huge trend this season. Garantee it will be even bigger in SS12.
Trends that we saw many seasons ago will sure to come back round any time soon,
Where the idea came from
My brain was bombared with ideas, some which were way to imaginative.
But the one thing that stuck in the back of my head was a market research presentation that I attended, way back in January by Jane Rome -
I made sure I asked the all important question, 'Where do you feel the gap in the market is?' of which she replied ' The older more fashionable lady' KERCHING. there begun my FMP idea,

Oh yeah, take a look at that graph, it shows how the ageing population for the older customer is increasing,
And you know what that means? There going to want to be wearing clothes - fashionable clothes as the media coverage has made them more aware of fashion.
Ideas followed;
Own boutique for the older customer?
Concession within a department store for the older customer?
Sub - brand for the older customer in an existing store?
I knew I had to think fast, and spending three weeks at Marks and Spencers head office over the Easter break - with the Trend and Sourcing department in womenswear, everything unfolded!
The opportunity was right infront of me, I had all the research in the world sitting at my desk, the most influential people around me - so why not just bombard them with questions, my intentions begun.
Does any of that make sense to you? I feel like i'm just talking to myself in my head - But in a nut shell, I am launching a new sub brand for the older customer - probably aged around 50 - 65, that will be extremley fashionable! Oh and the catch, the brand is going to support Marks and Spencers PLAN A as all of the products of the new sub - brand will be eco friendly.
My nan's excited!
My mess I lived in for three weeks at Marks and Spencers - like a dream come true
But the one thing that stuck in the back of my head was a market research presentation that I attended, way back in January by Jane Rome -
I made sure I asked the all important question, 'Where do you feel the gap in the market is?' of which she replied ' The older more fashionable lady' KERCHING. there begun my FMP idea,

Oh yeah, take a look at that graph, it shows how the ageing population for the older customer is increasing,
And you know what that means? There going to want to be wearing clothes - fashionable clothes as the media coverage has made them more aware of fashion.
Ideas followed;
Own boutique for the older customer?
Concession within a department store for the older customer?
Sub - brand for the older customer in an existing store?
I knew I had to think fast, and spending three weeks at Marks and Spencers head office over the Easter break - with the Trend and Sourcing department in womenswear, everything unfolded!
The opportunity was right infront of me, I had all the research in the world sitting at my desk, the most influential people around me - so why not just bombard them with questions, my intentions begun.
Does any of that make sense to you? I feel like i'm just talking to myself in my head - But in a nut shell, I am launching a new sub brand for the older customer - probably aged around 50 - 65, that will be extremley fashionable! Oh and the catch, the brand is going to support Marks and Spencers PLAN A as all of the products of the new sub - brand will be eco friendly.
My nan's excited!
My mess I lived in for three weeks at Marks and Spencers - like a dream come true
A little something I helped put together - SS12 Fabrics - supporting PLAN A
The very beginning
today I started my first ever blog, slightly excited. Although i've spent over 2 hours deciding on the background colour, which is a tad worrying, and shows clearly that i'm way to much of a perfectionist.
Right, so i've just checked my diary and i've only got 5 weeks and 2 days until FMP hand - in.
Let's get cracking - the idea behind my blog is to help me build together ideas and exciting information that will help me with my final major project at The Fashion Retail Academy.
I began my research all the way back on Sunday, 3rd April.
Right, so i've just checked my diary and i've only got 5 weeks and 2 days until FMP hand - in.
Let's get cracking - the idea behind my blog is to help me build together ideas and exciting information that will help me with my final major project at The Fashion Retail Academy.
I began my research all the way back on Sunday, 3rd April.
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