Friday, 27 May 2011

Super long list.

Decided not to go into college today - Don't have any lectures and think I'll work better at home, insted of being asked a million questions that I probably don't even know the answer too.

I've given myself a mahousive list to complete by the end of the day - whether it be early hours of tomorrow morning, nothing like Red Bull and Pro plus can't handle.

  • Put merch spreadsheets on to photoshop ready to annotate
  • Finish price architecture for all 3 ranges
  • Complete Option sheets - most of it is copying and pasting
  • Put Range planners on to photoshop
  • Start garment tech - I've done my costing of the garment
  • Finish critical path
  • Start sourcing strategy
and I've turnt my phone off, hopeing this will really help.

I also started looking at influential trends for AW11 to prepare for my second stage interview on Wednesday at Miss Selfridge - Really really really hope I get it.

Look at this amazing image -

Attention to detail or what!?